Acupuncture for the World is an association founded by a group of health care professionals, experts in acupuncture with extensive experience in consults and training. Together we have decided to make our knowledge available to other health care professionals interested in using acupuncture for treatment and who, due to economic or social problems, would otherwise never have access to it.
We wish to share the strength, versatility, mental openness and tolerance which traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture have given us as another way of understanding the life and health of human beings.
Due to its efficiency with a series of pathologies which are not often successfully treated with drugs, acupuncture is an excellent therapy to improve the quality of life of patients at primary care centres.
Acupuncture is also a sustainable therapeutic proposal, both environmentally and patient friendly. It is an economical application which reduces health care centre dependency on pharmacological medication.
The Acupuncture for the World team embraces the goal of acupuncture training for health care professionals, thereby initiating a process in which this “seed” will grow and spread exponentially in these countries.
We also take advantage of this opportunity to encourage our fellow practioners to join our organisation, either by taking part in the training missions abroad or by donating to make these missions possible.
Board Members
Pep Armengol, Rebeca Cardenas, Anna Dalmau, Carles Prats, Isabel Giralt, Betina Nishisinya, Maite Fuertes, Cristina Domingo y Daniel Mene.
We are a group of doctors who make up the board and are involved with the Barcelona City Council Citizen Support for people who lack resources.
Acupuncture can often help treat health problems in Third World countries successfully and with less pharmacological medication.
In these countries, health care expenditure is very limited due to the precarious national economy, which cannot afford the costs.
Training health care personnel in acupuncture allows for successful treatment of certain pathologies without increasing drug expenditure and, at the same time, gives new work perspectives to the health care personnel who often have trouble finding placement in a weak health care system without opportunities.
With their knowledge and experience, Acupuncture for the World trainers can improve some aspects of the Third World public health care and the healthcare profession. In addition, they plant the seed which will grow on its own or with very little help, thanks to the health care personnel trained.
The Acupuncture for the World trainers wish to serve as a point of departure from which the bases of Chinese medicine and acupuncture – thanks to their efficiency and sustainability – can become an economic resource, adequate for improving the quality of health of the population where it is practiced.
Based on our years of experience in acupuncture, we feel that the time is right to convey all the knowledge we have acquired to Third World health care professionals who would normally have no access to it as well as to treat people from the First World whose precarious situation would not allow them to benefit from such treatment.